• How can I make this work?

    So I am really trying to find a way to make this work. But right now I just don’t seem to find time. I think the time aspekt is the most difficult part when you are working with memory keeping and have a full time job and a household to take care of. It’s one thing to snap pictures and organize them in you computer, but to make something good with them, that is a totally different ball game.  Even with project life, that is designed for making the process simple and fast. It takes time. But the only thing here in life that we all have the same amount of is…

  • Time flies

    How is it passible that time flies by so fast and where does it go. Is there a place where I can go back att look on what have happened and what I have missed. Right that is what this blog i suppose to be. And since I haven’t been very good with updating it the last 2 moths it really doesn’t help me right now. Any how the last two moths have been very intense, I started working full time again and I have been so tired when coming home. Peter is taking care of the kids and the house now and we have had some time to get used to new routines.…