December daily – Day 2
I know it’s not December really yet. But I had a good story today so I needed to write it down. And in the end it really don’t matter how many stories we get right? I really wanted to get the 1:st of Advent in my album, even if it wasn’t December, because it is when the whole season starts for me. To day is just a day in between, but with a great story so I just squeezed it in.
I really need to work on my lifestyle photos. For me the pictures are so much about the people and I have so much people pictures but hardly no things and landscape.
Today I use a bit of Becky Higgins Stumpin Up – Seasonal Snap Shots, on the left side and on right it’s Ali’s December Stories Vol2. on, the word art on the left i Ali’s as well. So far I think my collection works fine. I might need some more more filler cards, but not sure yet.
Oh I also think I will do a spread per day. Seems like it woks the best for a photo book since you always have a spread open and I like how both pages contribute to the story. Totally love the story idea. It’s such relief not have to document the whole day. Can’t wait for tomorrow story.
You can find all my DD here